Anna Head Yogi

Anna is the certified yogi of our Viv fam. She’s scored a 500-hour yoga certification through Yoga Alliance and has been practicing yoga and various fitness formats for over 8 years. She combines both her yoga and fitness knowledge to bring students into a full body experience that will encourage you to find your edge. When she’s not in downward dog, she’s slinging hard kombucha throughout Colorado with her company, Hooch Booch.

A few questions with Anna:

What’s inspiring you lately? “Stepping out of my comfort zone on the bike at Viv. It was truly a humbling experience walking into my first class! Having been a fitness and yoga fanatic for years and not being able to move my legs at an inhumanly fast level got me excited to be a part of the Viv community. I am ready to get my ass handed to me daily at Viv!”

Fav yoga pose? “Lately I’m digging camel pose. I am a sucker for a good heart opener!”

Fav Hooch Booch Flavor?  “Clover Club (Raspberry + Lemon) with a splash of Hendrick’s Gin. Try it and let me know what you think ;)”